Game Shelf

A Gaming Backlog Manager - iOS App Concept

Game Shelf is a conceptual iPhone app for tracking and managing your gaming backlog. I wanted to create an experience that was similar to a to do app, except instead of to dos, you have games. With Game Shelf, you can easily organize your games into different categories like In Progress, Up Next, Wish List, or Shelved. You can mark games as completed, and indicate which games are your all time favorites. Its a perfect companion for managing that stubborn gaming backlog.

Gameshelf features three views to manage your gaming backlog; Collection, Logbook and Explore. Each view has a designated icon in the bottom navigation. The Collection view is where you will do the majority of your backlog management, Logbook shows a log and stats of your backlog activity, and Explore shows featured, trending and recommended games based on the games in your collection.


The Collection view is where you will do the majority of your backlog management. Here your game collection is broken up into four sections, In Progress, Up Next, Wish List and Shelved. Games in the 'In Progress' section are games you are currently playing. 'Up Next' are games that you own and plan on playing next. The 'Wish List' section holds games that you want to get but do not own. These can also be games that aren’t released yet. And finally, 'Shelved' is a place for all of the games you’ve played and / or beat, that you’re done playing for now.

Each game added to your collection gets its own game card. The game cards have a check circle (for marking the game as beaten) and feature imagery for the game. Game cards can be dragged and dropped to be reorganized, can be swiped to the right to reveal a ‘Move to Section’ modal, or swiped to the left in order to activate multi-select. Tapping a game card will open it, offering ways to favorite, rate, add notes, move to a new section, view log activity or to delete the game from your collection. As Collections grow, searching is available by tapping the search icon or pulling down when at the top of the collection.

To add a new game to your collection, simply select or drag and drop the green (+) button found in the bottom right of the Collections view. Dragging and dropping this button allows you to add a new game to a section with ease, or to place it exactly where you want it in your Up Next queue. Once dropped, start searching for the game you wish to add. Search results will appear as you type, and selecting a result will create the game card. This sequence is shown below.


The Logbook view is where you can see stats for the games you’ve collected, beaten, favorited and rated, as well as a log of all your recent activity. Each action you make in the Collections view is created into a Log Card, keeping a journal of all your gaming activity. This is a great way to see your own personal gaming journey over time as you scroll through your Logbook. Options to sort the Logbook activity by a specific game are also available when selecting the search icon, or tapping into a log card and selecting ‘View Log’.


The Explore view allows you to browse and discover games to add to your collection. Here you can find categories of games like Trending, Recommended For You, New Releases, Coming Soon and Genre tiles to explore by a specific genre. This page is entirely based on the games you’ve added to your Collection, and is tailored just for you based on the games you like to play.

Explore Single Game

Tapping on a game from the Explore view will bring you to the Single Game view, showing an overview of the game you’ve selected. Here you can view the games cover art, add the game to your collection, view trailers, screenshots and other according metadata, as well as see other games in the series and similar games. The Add to Collection button is available at any scroll point.

Visual Prototype

A visual prototype was developed for user interaction testing.

View the Visual Prototype


High fidelity wireframes and a prototype were also developed for Game Shelf to test functionality before finalized styling.

View the Wireframe Prototype

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The following projects have been completed in the past and don't necessarily showcase my current skills as a designer. However I think it's interesting to see my progress, so I keep them around.